V853 是一颗面向智能视觉领域推出的新一代高性能、低功耗的处理器SOC,可广泛用于智能门锁、智能考勤门禁、网络摄像头、行车记录仪、智能台灯等智能化升级相关行业。
V853 集成Arm Cortex-A7和RISC-V E907 双CPU,内置最大 1T 算力 NPU,使用全志自研 Smart 视频引擎,最大支持5M@25fps H.265编码和5M@25fps H.264编解码,同时集成高性能 ISP 图像处理器,可为客户提供专业级图像质量。V853 还支持 16-bit DDR3/DDR3L,满足各类产品高带宽需求;支持 4lane MIPI-CSI/DVP/MIPI-DSI/RGB 等丰富的专用视频输入输出接口,满足各类AI视觉产品需求;采用先进的22nm工艺,具有更优的功耗和更小的芯片面积。
同时,全志为 V853 配套提供了稳定、易用的 Linux SDK和软硬件参考设计,可以帮助客户快速实现产品量产。
Arm Cortex-A7@1GHz
32 KB I-cache, 32 KB D-cache
128 KB L2 cache
RISC-V E907@600MHz
16 KB I-cache, 16 KB D-cache
Maximum perormance up to 1 Tops
Emdedded 128KB internal buffer
Supports deep learning frameworks: TensorFlow, Caffe, Tflite, Pytorch, Onnx NN, and so on
16-bit DDR3/DDR3L SDRAM, supporting maximum capacity of 1GB
SD3.0/eMMC 5.1 interface
Supports SPI Nor/SPI Nand Flash
Video Engine
Video encoder
- H.264/H.265 up to 4K@15fps or 5M@25fps
- JPEG up tp 1080p@60fps
Video decoder
- Supports H.264 BP/MP/HP, JPEG
- Real-time multiple streams H.264 encoding capability: 5M@25fps
- JPEG snapshot performance of 1080P@60fps independently
Display Engine
Allwinner SmartColor post processing for an excellent display experience
Supports 2 video channels and 1 UI channel
Supports G2D hardware accelerator including rotate, mixer, scaler functionns
Video Input
- Maxumum performance of 5M@30fps and maximum resolution of 3072 * 1772
- Adjustable 3A functions (AE, AWB, AF), and 3A parameters are adjustable
- Provides ISP tuning tools for the PC
- Four VIPP YUV422 or YUV420 outputs
- Maximum performance of 5M@30fps, maximum resolution of 3072 * 1772
8-/10-/12-/16-bit parallel CSI interface
- Supports digital camera (DC), BT.601, BT.656, BT.1120 protocol
- Maximum video capture resolution up to 5M@30fps
4-lane MIPI CSI interface
- Supports DOL WDR mode and splitting into 2*2-lane MIPI CSI
- Supperts 4-ch VC de-interleaver function
- Maximum video caputure resolution up to 5M@30fps
Video Out
RGB LCD output interface up to 1920 x 1080@60fps
4-lane MIPI DSI interface up to 1920 x 1080@60fps
1 DAC and 2 ADCs
Analog audio interfaces: MICIN1P/N, MICIN2P/N, LINEOUTRP/N
Digital audio interfaces: I2S/PCM *2 , DMIC
Security System
AES, DES, 3DES encryption and decryption algorithms
RSA/ECC signature verigication algorithm
MD5/SHA and HMAC tamper proofing
PRNG/TRRNG hardware random number generator
Integrated 2Kbits OTP storage space
USB2.0 DRD, SDIO 3.0, SPI *4, UART * 4, TWI * 5, WIEGAND
PWM (12-ch), GPADC (4-ch)
10/100/1000M EMAC with RMII and RGMII interfaces
LFBGA 318, 12mm * 12 mm, 0.5mm ball pitch
Chip process
V85x 共有 V851s、V851se、V853s、V853 四个型号,规格类似,都是针对AI视觉、高清编码推出的芯片,主要应该在带camera的产品上,规格、性能略有差别,可以根据实际产品的应用形态选择。
型号 | V851s | V851se | V853s | V853 |
NPU | 0.5T | 0.5T | 0.8T | 1T |
DDR | 内置64M DDR2 | 内置64M DDR2 | 内置128M DDR3 | 外置最高1G DDR3/DDR3L |
H264编码 | 5M@20fps,4M@30fps | 5M@20fps,4M@30fps | 5M@25fps,4M@30fps | 5M@25fps,4M@30fps |
H256编码 | 5M@20fps,4M@30fps | 5M@20fps,4M@30fps | 5M@25fps,4M@30fps | 5M@25fps,4M@30fps |
ISP性能 | 4M | 4M | 5M | 5M |
视频输出 | sRGB 8bit, MIPI 2lane | 无 | RGB888, MIPI 4lane | RGB888, MIPI 4lane |
视频输入 | DVP10Bit, MIPI CSI 4lane | DVP10Bit, MIPI CSI 4lane | DVP12Bit, MIPI CSI 4lane | DVP12Bit, MIPI CSI 4lane |
分辨率 | 4M@30fps | 4M@30fps | 5M@30fps | 5M@30fps |
封装 | QFN88 | QFN88 | BGA318 | BGA318 |
备注 | V851se内置百兆以太网,复用了显示输出,无法连接显示屏(可以使用SPI,IIC显示屏) | 引脚封装完全一致,V853换V853s仅需摘除V853的外置内存即可(V853s的内存线是GND) |
淘宝 - V853样片购买:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w4002-24100641678.19.52af1e53I6LbwF&id=676031226135